Book Club
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Book Club Ranking

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core course

  • book


    Cathleen With

  • book

    Where Is the Green Sheep?

    Mem Fox

  • book

    Me Too!

    Sarah Swartz

  • book

    My Day

    Susan Korman

  • book

    Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?

    Eric Carle

  • book

    First the Egg

    Laura Vaccaro Seeger

  • book

    Costume Party

    Misa Lindberg

  • book

    Dressing Up

    Cathleen With

  • book

    It Looked Like Spilt Milk

    Charles G. Shaw

  • book

    I Can Walk

    Jane Curtis

  • book

    On a Farm

    Alexan Andrews

  • book

    At the Beach

    Alexan Andrews

  • book

    (Storytime) Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!

    Mo Willems

  • book

    What I See

    Holly Keller

  • book

    Driving My Tractor

    Jan Dobbins & David Sim

  • book

    (Storytime) The Watermelon Seed

    Greg Pizzoli

  • book

    My Dog

    Linda Ward Beech

  • book

    Nat the Cat

    Dr. Jullie M. Wood

  • book

    Pen Hen

    Dr. Jullie M. Wood

  • book

    What Day Is It?

    Alex Moran

  • book

    Big Feet

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    What a Mess!

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    The Box of Treasure

    Roderick Hunt

  • book


    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Look After Me

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Space Kid

    Roberta Edwards

  • book

    What Dogs Like

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    The Trampoline

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Pig Out!

    Portia Aborio

  • book

    The Headache

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Biscuit's Big Friend

    Alyssa Satin Capucilli

  • book

    Bat and Friends 7

    Pat Brisson and Kay Winters

  • book

    Biscuit's Day at the Farm

    Alyssa Satin Capucilli

  • book

    The Lion and the Mouse

    Gail Herman

  • book

    Bat and Friends 9

    Pat Brisson and Kay Winters

  • book

    The Big Egg

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Bat and Friends 11

    Pat Brisson and Kay Winters

  • book

    Biscuit and the Baby

    Alyssa Satin Capucilli

  • book

    In a Bit

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Cat Traps

    S.A. Kramer

development course

  • book

    Pirate Adventure

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Just Me and My Puppy

    Gina and Mercer Mayer

  • book

    Hi! Fly Guy

    Tedd Arnold

  • book

    The Magic Key

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Super Fly Guy

    Tedd Arnold

  • book

    Village in the Snow

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Clifford the Small Red Puppy

    Norman Bridwell

  • book

    Just Grandma and Me

    Gina and Mercer Mayer

  • book

    Castle Adventure

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    The Play

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    No More Monsters for Me!

    Peggy Parish

  • book

    In the Garden

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Monsters University: Scaring Lessons

    Susan Amerikaner

  • book

    Pinocchio: Pinocchio's Nose Grows

    Barbara Gaines Winkelman

  • book

    Harry and the Lady Next Door

    Gene Zion

  • book

    The Outing

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Game on

    Susan Amerikaner

  • book

    BOLT: My Hero

    Alice Wrigglesworth/ Jonathan Wrigglesworth

  • book

    The Treasure Chest

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Frozen: A Tale Of Two Sisters

    Melissa Lagonegro

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. Mr. Presto

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. the Ultra Car

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. Big Bessie

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. the Mole Men

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. Stinky Bart

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. the Big Bugs

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl and the Shrinking City

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. Hank Tank

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl vs. the Electric Elves

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl and the Aliens

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Journey to the West 1

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Journey to the West 2

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Journey to the West 3

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Journey to the West 18

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Journey to the West 9

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Soccer Sam

    Jean Marzollo

  • book

    Journey to the West 10

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Rocket Girl's Journey to the West 1

    Bryan Langdo

  • book

    Green Island

    Roderick Hunt

  • book

    Journey to the West 11

    Bryan Langdo

expansion course

  • book

    Dinosaurs Before Dark

    Mary Pope Osborne

  • book

    Arthur's Mystery Envelope

    Marc Brown

  • book

    Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest

    Marc Brown

  • book

    Night of the Ninjas

    Mary Pope Osborne

  • book

    Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus

    Barbara Park

  • book

    Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the U.F.O.

    David A. Adler

  • book


    Kevin Henkes

  • book

    Horrible Harry Goes to Sea

    Suzy Kline

  • book

    Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake

    Barbara Park

  • book

    Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed

    Barbara Park

  • book

    Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye

    Geronimo Stilton

  • book

    Zap! I'm a Mind Reader

    Dan Greenburg

  • book

    A to Z Mysteries: The Falcon's Feathers

    Ron Roy

  • book

    A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author

    Ron Roy

  • book

    Bozo the Clone

    Dan Greenburg

  • book

    The Enormous Crocodile

    Roald Dahl

  • book

    The Magic Finger

    Roald Dahl

  • book

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Roald Dahl

  • book

    In The Kitchen

    J. C. Greenburg

  • book

    The Adventures of Captain Underpants

    Dav Pilkey

  • book

    Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective

    Donald J. Sobol

  • book

    Encyclopedia Brown: The Case of the Secret Pitch

    Donald J. Sobol

  • book

    Night of the New Magicians

    Mary Pope Osborne

  • book

    Sideways Stories From Wayside School

    Louis Sachar

  • book

    The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

    Liz Pichon

  • book

    The Escape of the Deadly Dinosaur

    Elizabeth Singer Hunt

  • book

    The Good, The Bad, And the Goofy

    Jon Scieszka

  • book

    The Mystery of the Mona Lisa

    Elizabeth Singer Hunt

  • book

    The Not-So-Jolly Roger

    Jon Scieszka

  • book


    Jon Scieszka

  • book

    Mr. Popper's Penguins

    Richard and Florence Atwater

  • book

    George's Marvelous Medicine

    Roald Dahl

  • book

    Little House in the Big Woods

    Laura Ingalls Wilder

  • book


    Roald Dahl

  • book

    Pippi Longstocking

    Astrid Lindgren

  • book

    Sarah, Plain and Tall

    Patricia MacLachlan

  • book

    Stuart Little

    E. B. White

  • book

    The Janitor's Boy

    Andrew Clements

  • book

    There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom

    Louis Sachar

  • book

    Anne Frank Beyond the Diary

    Anna Quindlen